Both Gamoron and Dick Pumpaloaf instantly had the same thought -- drag Ms. Rowe into the undertow and I've got a decent shot at winning this week's caption contest!!
Stephanie decided to pack it in early when the stiff breeze off the ocean couldn't blow away the combined fumes from Vinnie's Italian hot dog gas and Jose's bean burrito gas.
Great (Sid) Caesar's ghost -- what's wrong with you people??? How does that tired old joke about "take off your sweater" qualify as a winning caption?? Every Eye-talian stallion past the age of puberty has probably heard that remark more times than he cares to remember... If that's the most creativity RR can bring to the party maybe he shoulda stayed home watchin' reruns of Friends.
The two men were obviously not interested in Mr. Schwimmer's brother.
Both Gamoron and Dick Pumpaloaf instantly had the same thought -- drag Ms. Rowe into the undertow and I've got a decent shot at winning this week's caption contest!!
Stephanie decided to pack it in early when the stiff breeze off the ocean couldn't blow away the combined fumes from Vinnie's Italian hot dog gas and Jose's bean burrito gas.
Schwimmer's curse of ambiguous sexuality...
(an aside: is it too late to ask for a recount of last week's votes?)
the old saying was never so true.
"Don't turn your back on the ocean."
Rocky....I'll be over here by the Rocks.
Hey Paulie...get me one of those beers.
Hey Rocky....I'll get you a beer once I find the water.
sniff, sniff
Hey Charlie, do you smell fish?
Dick Pumpaloaf
Hey Paulie! We'er at the beach, why don't you take your sweater off.
Great (Sid) Caesar's ghost -- what's wrong with you people??? How does that tired old joke about "take off your sweater" qualify as a winning caption?? Every Eye-talian stallion past the age of puberty has probably heard that remark more times than he cares to remember... If that's the most creativity RR can bring to the party maybe he shoulda stayed home watchin' reruns of Friends.
This is the biggest test of all: First time in a bikini since the gender reassignment surgery!!
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