Oliver from Ohio seems to be a well-liked character. In order to maximize his popularity, I have decided to give Oliver his own series on a trial basis. It is called Ollie X-Box and will chronicle Oliver's new position as Creative Assistant to the Manager of the new Gaming Division where he works. It seems, poor Ollie has a little gaming problem that could now lead to a new career, or cause him to crash and burn... GAME OVER! We shall see how it goes. I urge you all to comment what you think along the way. I hope you enjoy our latest offering: OLLIE X-BOX!
RR checking in!
Can't wait... Hammer him!
Best of luck GM
Is this what passes for commentary these days? "checking in"? "best of luck"? Must be that #@&*! texting -- destroys what little creativity anyone had to begin with. Anyway, everyone creates their own luck, GMS -- let's see what ya got (do I detect Ollie morphing into a true guinea pig...?)
RW checking in! Best of luck.
I think the Big Hurt needs a character limit. Looks like he fell asleep himself and hit his head on the keyboard (#@&*!) in the middle of his "hurt" message. If you've made it this far in my post, you know what I mean. ambling like this gets less and less funny as it goes along......
Gary You crack me up! I saw the memo on Wolfgangs' desk and I thought it read "Terminate Rob ASAP" not Transfer Rob ASAP! This is going to be a fantastic cartoon series
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